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The Emergency Docs

Far From The ER With Jeff Burke, Dr. Will Smith, & Dr. AJ Wheeler
Jeff Burke, Dr. AJ Wheeler, and Dr. Will Smith tackle wilderness medicine and the various situations they experienced on rescuing people in

Social EM: Human Trafficking With Dr. Ronnie Rivera, Lisa Murdock And Dr. Victor Cisneros
While Hollywood often sensationalizes human trafficking with kidnapping and car chases, human trafficking victims can be all around us....

The Crisis In Ukraine With Team Rubicon's Dr. David Callaway
Let’s dive into this episode as Dr. David Callaway discusses the crisis in Ukraine and how a disaster response team works to solve issues an

Breathing Easy With Dr. MeiLan Han
Prioritize your health because you can’t function well and fulfill your roles if it is deteriorating. This episode features Dr. MeiLan...

Travel Pro Tips With Dr. Justin Yanuck
Dr. Justin Yanuck drops by this episode to give us a look at medical travel guidelines.

The Business Of Medicine With Dr. Lindsey Spiegelman
Join Emergency Medicine Physician and Clinical Faculty at the UCI Medical Center, Dr. Lindsey Spiegelman as she talks about the business asp

Exploring PTSD After Trauma With Peggy Hays And Kelly Larson
Join Nurse Anesthetist, Peggy Hays, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Kelly Larson as they share more on PTSD after trauma and how

Social EM: Safety Belt Safety With Stephanie Tombrello
Safety belts are a very important yet often overlooked part of car safety etiquette. Today, we discuss how to properly set up your car...

Social EM: Food Insecurity With Mike Learakos
People across the country, and across the world suffer from food insecurity. What can we do to help bridge the gap and ensure we all have...

Empathy Fatigue With Dr. Ethan Kunstadt
Empathy Fatigue is a very real side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s critically impacting our health care professionals....

Staying Safe And Healthy Over The Holidays With Victor Cisneros
The holidays are almost on us, and with it comes tidings of good cheer. We do need to remember that COVID-19 is still here, and along for...

COVID Reflections With Dr. Daryn Towle
The COVID pandemic has taken a toll on everyone, including health professionals. We take a look at what we have learned over the past two...

Finding Balance With Dr. Tanya Dall
Dr. Tanya Dall talks about finding balance between working as an ER doctor and being a wife and mom at home.

Ep. 47 Pregnancy, COVID, And Vaccines With Dr. Lauren Sylwanowicz
The topic around vaccines has been very sensitive nowadays, especially because of the pandemic. Dr. Lauren Sylwanowicz is a...

Ep. 46 Disparities In Medicine: Exploring Underlying Issues On Equity And Inclusion
This pandemic has lifted the veil of the disparities that already existed globally, especially when it comes to medicine. What is worse,...

Ep.45 The Stance Of Biomedical Ethics On Vaccination With Dr. Arthur Caplan
The debate on vaccinations and individual freedom has been hot given the pandemic's extended period of quarantine. However, what does...

Ep. 44: The Science Of Misinformation And How To Prevent It With Dr. Sander van der Linden
With the pandemic, climate change, and science, anything can be politicized in today's environment. People need to understand what...

How Emergency Response Saved A Life At Jackson Hole With Jim and Peggy Hays, Ian Barwell, And Jeff B
Jim and Peggy Hays were enjoying a ski vacation in Jackson Hole... until they suddenly weren't. Jim had a heart attack on the slopes and...

COVID-19 Update References
1. Leung, N.H.L., Chu, D.K.W., Shiu, E.Y.C. et al. Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks. Nat Med 26,...

Overview of Expedition Medicine
Expedition Medicine Blog By Nathaniel Zona Get ready to explore an alternative career as a physician in the field of expedition medicine....
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